During the years of its development Concern ALEX passed the way from ordinary supplier to one of the largest systems integrator, which united both Ukrainian and foreign companies. Concern Alex was one of the first companies that announced themselves at the Ukrainian market of telecommunications and became one of its recognized leaders. Such positions were provided by large experience in choosing, designing and implementation of telecommunications systems, which was gained by analytic, R&D and commercial departments of Concern Alex.

The success of Concern ALEX was generally recognized by decorating Company's Top Management with high national order "Honorary Telecommunications Worker".


  • Systems of professional radio communications
  • Development, mounting, integration, launching and servicing of professional radio systems of any level, supply of base and subscriber equipment.
  • Cellular communications
  • Supply of cellular phones of any standards and complete set of cellular accessories.
  • Security systems
  • Surveillance systems, security systems and systems of access control.
  • Complex office solutions
  • Competent recommendations and supplies of optimal selection of world best equipment for best organization of work in customer's office
  • Manufacturing
  • Development, manufacturing and implementation of high technological equipment
  • Informative analysis and arrangement of international sales contracts and supplies ALWAYS HIGH RELIABILITY WHILE A PERFECT QUALITY


    Now powerful potential of Concern ALEX allows solving of any problems in building and servicing of different systems of professional radio communication such as multisite trunking, pseudotrunking and conventional systems, systems of telemetric data transmitting and many other most difficult telecommunication systems. Being an operator of own radio communication networks and integrator of many state services communication systems, Concern ALEX gained rich experience of implementation and mounting of different radio equipment. Today telecommunication systems and equipment integrated by Concern ALEX are successfully used by many largest corporative structures of Ukraine – that are thousands of users.
    Concern ALEX supplies whole spectrum of professional telecommunication equipment, starting from transceivers and repeaters and finishing by turnkey modern telecommunications system, and starting from connectors and cables up to complicated antenna-feeder equipment that suit highest requirements of customers to assortment, price and quality.

    Direct and long termed contacts with leading suppliers of communication equipment let Concern ALEX to supply whole spectrum of latest telecommunication equipment within the shortest period.

    It is enough to say that Concern ALEX is an authorized dealer in Ukraine of such companies as KENWOOD, ICOM, FYLDE MICROSYSTEMS, TELEWAVE, TAIT, TRILOGY and J.P.S. master distributor of SmarTrunk, dealer of others famous companies. Concern ALEX has license ВД № 000275 of State Committee on Telecommunications of Ukraine for building and technical service of telecommunication systems and also their using and providing of mobile connection services.


    Supplies of subscriber equipment (terminals (phones) and accessories to them) for systems of cellular connection of all standards, including NMT-450, GSM, DAMPS, CDMA, etc. Concern ALEX supplies cellular phones of MOTOROLA, which have an excellent market reputation, reliable and comfortable in using. At the same time Concern Alex provides reliable service for them.
    Concern Alex is also the largest supplier of cellular phones accessories at the Ukrainian market and manufactures them at the leading plants worldwide and sells them under its corporative brand name. The optimal price/quality ratio is achieved due to the existence of direct connections with the manufacturers, careful choosing of the supplying models, analysis of design and constructive peculiarities.


    A separate direction of Concern Alex activity is providing customers with technical means of information control for the purposes of business management, corporative and personal security. Equipment for audio and video surveillance, systems of audio and video information registration. AVL Systems. All kinds of security systems. Special technical equipment is supplied to the subjects of operational and investigation activity. Licenses № КИХ-00680094 & №020 of State Security Service of Ukraine.

    Development of information protection systems and access control systems of any configuration depending on specific requirements of the customer, systems with exploitation of biometric methods based on identification of unique peculiarities of each person, such as voice peculiarities, signing dynamics, finger and palm prints, hand geometry, retina and iris design, face geometry including.



    Working with a huge corporative customers for a long time, Concern ALEX gain a significant experience in the field of complex solutions of its customers’ needs, that much widen a sphere of trading interests of our company.

    Our specialists always ready to provide customer with the competent recommendations for optimal selection of equipment of best global manufacturers for optimal organization of work in customer’s office. We always make such selection considering customer’s needs and their demand for quality/price ratio.
    So today Concern Alex is ready to provide customers in the shortest period not only with any modern communication products, but also supply the whole range of equipment that customer needs for normal operation in his office. This equipments starts from the stationary and office furniture and ends by complex office technique, computing systems. We are able to provide our customers with any security system including modern systems of video observation, signaling and access control systems based at biometrical technologies.
    Having license for providing global network access services we are also installing local/global networks and providing of full servicing range of Internet access.


    Concern Alex is actively designing and manufacturing considerable range of the products. Engineers and programmers of best qualification design a high technological equipment, which is manufactured both abroad by OEM projects and in Ukraine on base of accessories from Eastern Asia, Japan, USA etc.
    Among the latest products designed and manufactured by “Concern Alex” are the following:
  • Mobile repeater, that can be developed under the field conditions, portable repeater with 25 Wt power supply ant weight up to 2,5 kg.
  • Equipment that allows providing gates for GSM systems, telephone lines, and systems of radio connection that aimed to transmit data and voice, and work with AVL systems.
  • Supplying and system integration of surveillance systems, security systems, access control systems based at biometrical technologies, AVL systems;
  • Designing of GPS logger for recording of vehicle routing and location and for fixing of control-and-measuring information;
  • Цифровой voice logger – “Partner-911” that was designed by specialist of “Concern Alex” and manufactured together with our USA partner - “Alex Communication Corp.” (USA), Uniqueness of our products is provided by the fact that while its designing our specialists considered all demands of customers and as result we have products that included maximum of needed features and refusal from functions that cost much, but seldom used, allowed significantly decreasing price, without losing quality.

    Complex approach of Concern ALEX allows fulfilling complete cycle of telecommunication and information systems development:
  • Consulting and support in tasks setting;
  • Development and optimization of technical solutions;
  • System designing;
  • Supplies of necessary equipment;
  • Assembling and putting into operation;
  • System testing;
  • Technical support and systems development;
  • Warranty and post-warranty service.

    One of the most important tasks of Concern ALEX is providing customers with wide range of information about the latest achievements in the sphere of High Technologies and arrangement of international sales contracts and supplies.
    Informative and Analytic Department of Concern ALEX steady searches and systemizes a different information about the latest world researches, which is received from hundreds companies – manufacturers and suppliers. Unique experience of Concern ALEX specialists gives an opportunity to find really optimal solutions and equipment based on the technologies that will be known in Ukraine only in future.
    This fact so as stainless reputation of Concern Alex as a reliable business partner attracts companies that are not experienced in international trade. Besides help in products selection our specialists also carry on trade negotiations with the suppliers up to making sales contract under the most profitable for our supplier terms. Having a wide net of forwarding agents all over the world we also help to arrange the soonest and cost effective deliveries.


    B Concern ALEX has its own Service Center where experienced engineers-experts are involved. Service Center provides whole range of servicing – starting from mounting and launching of new systems and finishing by repairing of sold equipment. Good equipped Service Center allows making complete testing of any products before sales. Due to high professional work of Service Center. Concern ALEX offers its customers cost-effective warranty and post-warranty service, repairing of any level of complexity. All equipment supplied by Concern ALEX is certified by State Стандарт and State Committee on Communications of Ukraine.


    Huge experience of systems integration and variable activity of Concern ALEX allows offering customers really optimal solutions. Work of experienced sales managers in close cooperation with Analytic Department is featured by individual approach to each customer. After consideration the tasks from customer that need to be solved and customer’s financial abilities, Concern ALEX always offer the best variant of problems’ solution.
    The real advantage of Concern ALEX is following: it offers customer best samples of various suppliers that work in the field of customers interest, that allows customer to choose an optimal variant considering price/quality ratio.
    USA Company Alex Communications, that is a part of Concern ALEX, allows minimize expenses connected with the delivery of goods to Ukraine, which is possible due to consolidation of cargoes, moneys and correct paperwork, and so Concern ALEX is able to offer its customers minimal prices.


    The distinguishing feature of Concern ALEX is long-term relations with customers.
    Such large state institutions as Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergencies, Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fire Guard Division, State Taxes Administration, Ministry of Ecological Security, Ministry of Transport, Divisions of Ministry of Energy, Borders State Committee and Ukrtelecom and other state organizations are the permanent customers of Concern Alex during many years. Concern ALEX steady provides above customers with updated information, warranty and post-warranty technical service. Concern ALEX steady search for the latest equipment, develops and integrates systems according to the demands of customers.


    Concern ALEX is represented by a net of authorized dealers all over Ukraine that successfully operate under ALEX supervision. Concern ALEX offers to its regional dealers complete technical and informative support, special prices, respite of payment, helps with registration for frequencies obtaining.
    Perspective plan of Concern ALEX development foresees its further adaptation at the market through the promotion of leading technologies and best equipment of native and foreign manufacturers. Such an approach let Concern ALEX to save its leading positions in the sphere of telecommunications and, as a result, facilitates acceleration of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine. Having perfect technique, significant financial resources and qualified personnel concern looks ahead with confidence.
  • Приемник сигналов поездной радиосвязи

    Предназначен для работы на объектах железнодорожного транспорта и служит для дистанционного контроля сигналов технологической поездной радиосвязи, а также для организации односторонней телефонной радиосвязи с радиостанциями 42РТС2ЧМ, 43РТС2ЧМ, РВ-1, РВ-1М, РС-2, РС-6, РС-47 и другими, имеющими частоту связи 2130кГц.

     Прибор имеет следующие характеристики:
    • частота приема 2130кГц;
    • чувствительность не хуже 50мкВ/м;
    • избирательность по всем побочным каналам не хуже 40дБ;
    • максимальная выходная мощность не менее 50мВт;
    • напряжение питания 3,6В;
    • потребляемый ток в режиме молчания 10мА;
    • непрерывный режим работы не менее 10ч;
    • диапазон рабочих температур -20 +55°С;
    • габаритные размеры 120х60х30мм.

    Приемник имеет высокоэффективную встроенную магнитную антенну, систему шумопонижения, сигнализатор разряда аккумуляторной батареи, кварцевую стабилизацию принимаемой частоты и разъем для подключения внешних аудиоустройств (головных телефонов или звукозаписывающего устройства). "ДОН- ПРС" выполнен на современной элементной базе с применением сверхминиатюрных электронных компонентов отечественного и иностранного производства. Приемник имеет корпус из ударопрочной пластмассы и зажим для крепления на поясе или кармане.


      "ДОН-ПРС" может применяться:

    • для дистанционного контроля работоспособности и качества передачи информации в системах поездной радиосвязи;
    • для экспресс-диагностики стационарных и локомотивных радиостанций в процессе их работы без нарушения технологического процесса и без привлечения работников транспорта;
    • для контроля устройств автоматики и телемеханики, использующих поездную радиосвязь для передачи информации (речевые информаторы для систем ДИСК/ПОНАБ и др.);
    • для приема работниками, находящимися на станциях, перегонах или в поездах, сообщений, передаваемых по системе поездной радиосвязи (организация на базе ПРС системы персонального радиовызова и персональной передачи сообщений);
    • для контроля и записи переговоров станционных командиров с локомотивными бригадами с целью ревизорских проверок.


    В первую очередь приемник необходим электромеханикам радиосвязи на малых станциях и на станциях с отсутствием маневровой работы. Приемник дает возможность контролировать работу поездной радиосвязи на участке из вагона движущегося поезда.

    Приемник крайне необходим:

    • электромеханикам радиосвязи и систем ДИСК/ПОНАБ;
    • электромеханикам постов ЭЦ;
    • начальникам участков и дорожным мастерам;
    • работникам аппарата ревизора безопасности;
    • руководителям служб Ш, П, Э, Д и руководителям подчиненных этим службам дистанций.